Today's Podcast:



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Voice Over One: Please help us with ...(your concern)

Host: Hello, We are from (your Podcast Group Name) and I am your host, (your name). We would like you to join us today in support of (your concern)

Voice Over Two: Beacuse...Fact

One member needs to give a fact:  For example, start off with something like, "If you're between the ages of 25 and 44, you're more likely to be working...."

Voice Over Three: Rememer...Give Tagline

One Membe:   Because you've only got a few seconds to reach your audience. Your Tagline makes your message crystal clear.

Voice Over Four: Please....Specific Action

One member needs to request a specific action, but you can not ask for money.
You want listeners to do something as a result of having heard your concern.

Voice Over Five:

Thanks for Helping/Ending/Stopping/Joining....Concern and rememberer Tagline.

Voice Over Six:

This message is sponsored by CMYK- Change Maker Youth Kulture, a product of the artistic Youth Vision Collective, please follow us on twitter and instagram, AYVwithUS, and #CMYK

Take a photo of the buttons and make it interesting and unique; if as a group you  takes a picture all together of the buttons

Recording Coming